About this Course

Recognizing the difference between intellectual knowledge and a deeper intuitive experiential understanding, this workshop will be devoted to focusing on the primary importance of the healing relationship™ between therapist and client, the most essential ingredient: human connection.

Patients are treated by presecriptions of medicine, movement or mind but they are healed by people. The work of being a healer is a path of the heart. This course will explore the concepts of dis-ease, healing and healers through the lens of Yogic philosophy including the teachings of the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.

Through an in-depth coverage of the maya koshas, chakras, kleshas and gunas students will gain insight and understanding of the client as a multidimensional being learning how mind, emotion and body inter-relate to cause dis-ease as well as promote healing on.

Yoga Teachers and other healers will learn how to better serve their clients and patients as well as more effectively communicate and work with a patient’s family members and the medical community. Through expanded skills, wisdom and compassion students will be able to provide support across a broad array of situations relating to health, dis-ease.

Upon completion of this course students will:

  • Know how to do a client intake with proper evaluation and assessment skills
  • Develop compassionate listening, proper communication, adept observation and appropriate touch skills
  • Develop necessary counseling skills and learn how to create a proper clinical environment
  • Understand how to interface professionally with the medical community
  • Be able to assemble and prescribe the components of an individualized holistic treatment plan including meditations, visualizations, asana, pranayama, yoga nidra, journaling and other lifestyle modifications
  • Know how to form and keep appropriate boundaries and how to protect oneself from negative energies.
  • 25 hours of continuing education credit with Yoga Alliance

Course Syllabus

  1. Addressing the Individual client as a multidimensional being
  2. What is Healing and Disease
  3. Counseling Skills. Evaluation and Assessment: Communication is the Key
  4. The Components of Individualised Holistic Treatment Plans
  5. Interfacing with the Medical Community
  6. Death and Dying

Required Textbooks:

  • The Secret Power of Yoga, Nischala Joy Devi
  • The Healing Path of Yoga, Nischala Joy Devi

25 Hours YA Continuing Education Credit

This course offers 25 hours of continuing education credit with Yoga Alliance upon completion

Course curriculum

    1. Course Manual

    2. 1a. Addressing the individual client as a multidimensional being

    3. 1b. Addressing the individual client as a multidimensional being

    4. 2. Five views of the Divine Self in Yogic Wisdom

    5. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. 3a. Professional Role

    2. 3b. Professional Role

    3. 4. Counseling Skills, An Introduction

    4. Chapter 2 Quiz

    1. 5a. The Components of Individualized Holistic Treatment Plan

    2. 5b. The Components of Individualized Holistic Treatment Plan

    3. 5c. The Components of Individualized Holistic Treatment Plan

    4. Chapter 3 Quiz

    1. 6a. Designing and Implementing Treatment Plans

    2. 6b. Designing and Implementing Treatment Plans

    3. 7. Interfacing with the Medical Community

    4. Chapter 4 Quiz

    1. 8a. Crisis Intervention

    2. 8b. Crisis Intervention

    3. 8c. Crisis Intervention

    4. 8d. Crisis Intervention

    5. Chapter 5 Quiz

    1. Certificate Instructions

About this course

  • $54.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 20.5 hours of video content

Knowledge can make you a Therapist - Intuition will make you a Healer


Nischala Joy Devi

Nischala Joy Devi is a masterful teacher and healer. For many years she has been highly respected as an international advocate for her innovative way of expressing Yoga and its subtle uses for spiritual growth and complete healing. Her dynamic delivery and deep inner conviction empower each individual, allowing the teachings to expand beyond boundaries and limitations of any one tradition, enabling her to touch people’s hearts.

She was graced to spend many years as a monastic disciple with the world renowned Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidanandaji, receiving his direct guidance and teachings. She also was blessed with teachings from great Yoga masters in the US, India, and worldwide.