About this Course

Namaste, a word used in many cultures, expresses the idea that when we come from a place of love and oneness, we connect with others, to become one.

Our times are plagued with senseless violence, bullying, prejudices, and blatant hatred. Something has happened to the model of love that all wisdom traditions expound upon as the greatest virtue—the concept of treating everyone as we wish to be treated.

Take the time to find your own narrative within their stories. Discover how can you use these stories and beliefs to gratify your life with the joy that is your birthright. As the narrative unfurls, allow The Namaste Effect to reignite your heart to the experience of boundless love. It is this universal love that is present and available to all in the vastness of this universe.

Included in this course are guided meditations on each of the seven chakras that lead you deep into the mysteries of each chakra and allow you to incorporate them as they transform your everyday life .

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Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. A Spoonful of Compassion

    3. Setting the Stage for Love and Compassion

    4. Love, Love, Love, Love is All There is

    5. Can Love Be Impersonal

    6. We are One

    7. Symbolic Meanings in Global Culture

    8. A Faux Pas

    9. Story Telling

    10. Exploring the Namaste Effect

    11. Quiz

    1. The Cosmic Flute

    2. The Seven Mystical Powers Within

    3. Balancing

    4. Whirling Vortexes of Love

    5. Chakras Closed or Open

    6. We Are All Divine Beings

    7. The Seven Chakras

    8. You Are a Rainbow of Colors

    9. Divinely Human OR Humanly Divine

    10. Quiz

    1. Love our Mother

    2. The Muladhara Chakra

    3. Black and Red

    4. Can You Smell That

    5. Harm-less Foods

    6. Communing With Woman and Man’s Best Friend

    7. An Accurate Cancer Screening

    8. Namaste With Mother Earth

    9. Feel the Connection

    10. Quiz

    11. Meditation on the Muladhara Chakra

    1. As Two Become One

    2. The Swadhisthana Chakra

    3. The Color Orange

    4. The Sense of Taste

    5. The Water Element—Flow

    6. The Emotions Flow Like Water

    7. The Chakra of Creation

    8. Sex or Procreation

    9. Let's Rewrite This

    10. Quiz

    11. Meditation on the Swadhisthana Chakra

    1. Are We One

    2. The Manipura Chakra

    3. The Abuse and Use of Power

    4. Keeping Anger in a Cave

    5. Money as Power

    6. The Power to See

    7. A Benevolent Power

    8. Breaking Melon With the Enemy

    9. Quiz

    10. Meditation on the Manipura Chakra

    1. A Friend in Need

    2. The Anahatha Chakra

    3. Springtime Green, Loving Pink

    4. A Healing Touch

    5. Healing From the Heart

    6. Seva, Selfless Service

    7. I Give You My Heart

    8. A Humble Example

    9. Quiz

    10. Meditation on the Anahatha Chakra

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 93 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

14 Credits


"Nischala Devi is simply a beautiful being I am honored to call my friend. Let her be your guide on this sacred path towards love, compassionate and genuine caring.”

Deva Premal,
Mantra singer, Spiritual Musician, and Composer

"Each Chakra has a chapter with teaching stories, profound wisdom and practices drawn from Nischala Devi’s long years on the path, from devotee to her ground-breaking work with the Dean Ornish program, to a place of spiritual leadership in the world."

Amy Weintraub,
Founder of LifeForce Yoga, author of Yoga for Depression

Expressing Universal Love Through the Chakras


Nischala Joy Devi

Nischala Joy Devi is a masterful teacher and healer. For many years she has been highly respected as an international advocate for her innovative way of expressing Yoga and its subtle uses for spiritual growth and complete healing. Her dynamic delivery and deep inner conviction empower each individual, allowing the teachings to expand beyond boundaries and limitations of any one tradition, enabling her to touch people’s hearts.

She was graced to spend many years as a monastic disciple with the world renowned Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidanandaji, receiving his direct guidance and teachings. She also was blessed with teachings from great Yoga masters in the US, India, and worldwide.