The practical application to begin, or enhance your meditation practice
About this Course
The intention of this course, Meditation in the Yoga Tradition, is to encourage and offer inspiration, information, and practices to anyone seeking to begin, sustain, or enhance a meditation practice.
The Yogic Wisdom contained in this course augments the practices to inform us about the various ways meditation can be suited to every personality, mental, and emotional perception.
The varied aspects allow you to assimilate the various techniques either in solitude or in tandem with other practices to aid us in achieving a state of peace that comes from knowing the inner workings of the mind and emotions.
Use the varied meditation practices in the course allowing yourself to gauge which of the practices appeal to you while they invigorate your zest to know the self. A strong commitment to regular practices is necessary for the state of meditation to be realized.
The hope is this simple guide will inspire your dedication to knowing the Self through meditation. These practices will lead to a Dynamic Stillness in everything you do and ultimately will express who you really are.
Enjoy reuniting with your inner light,
Om Shanthi
Course curriculum
Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga - The Eight Faceted Path
The Inner Yoga
Experience the Flow
Section Quiz
Make the mind your friend
Is there a Goal for Meditation?
Practice, Practice, Practice
Section Quiz
A Case Study
Section Quiz
Dedicate yourself to anything that elevates and embraces your heart
Choosing A Practice
Section Quiz
May the Guru Be with You wherever you are!
Untitled quiz

About this course
- $38.00
- 68 lessons
- 10.5 hours of video content
8 Credits
"I've been practicing and teaching for almost 50 years. Yoga meditation is my practice and what I teach to those wanting to learn to meditate. I've struggled with how to language the concepts and practices. Your unique way of doing that resonated fully with me."
S. Gilbert
“Abundant WellBeing Series truly helps to ‘open your heart.’ These techniques have been proven effective in reducing stress and contributing to the reversal of heart disease.”
Dean Ornish,M.D.,
President & Director, Preventive Medicine Research Institute
“Nischala Devi is an outstanding teacher with a deep knowledge of healing and health. I have learned a great deal from her.”
Michael Lerner, PH.D.,
Founder Commonweal Cancer Help Program
Nischala Joy Devi
Nischala Joy Devi is a masterful teacher and healer. For many years she has been highly respected as an international advocate for her innovative way of expressing Yoga and its subtle uses for spiritual growth and complete healing. Her dynamic delivery and deep inner conviction empower each individual, allowing the teachings to expand beyond boundaries and limitations of any one tradition, enabling her to touch people’s hearts.
She was graced to spend many years as a monastic disciple with the world renowned Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidanandaji, receiving his direct guidance and teachings. She also was blessed with teachings from great Yoga masters in the US, India, and worldwide.